E.V.E When Atlantis Fell@Crossroads

E.V.E When Atlantis Fell@Crossroads

*katat0nik* (blue fate) Snowboard@The Arcade gacha
*katat0nik* (busted1 / M) Male Street Artist Hoodie@CCB
Sleepy Eddy #Handknit Muffler (Navy)@The Arcade gacha

Legal Insanity - Lucious baggy bandana blue jeans 
Action Inkubator HAIR Alex
[The Forge] Goggles, Snow Camo -CBOX

E.V.E When Atlantis Fell@Crossroads

E.V.E The Citadel {Silver}
E.V.E Cracked Ice Snow{Sheet} L
E.V.E Cracked Ice {Pathway}
E.V.E Cracked Ice snow {Path 2 L}
E.V.E Cracked Ice Snow{Sheet} R
E.V.E Cracked Ice {Sheet} R

• The Citadelcenterpiece building in Gold, Silver, & Black
• Cracked Ice (Pathways): 3 versions in ice and snow of pathways
Inside the Fatpack you will find:
– The Citadel and Cracked Ice in all colors
Inside the Citadel box you will find:
– 1 Citadel in a color
Inside the Cracked Ice box you will find:
– 6 versions of pathways & ice sheets

Snips & Snails / Dust Bunny . Sled / Ivory RARE
Mutresse-Stick-Dalmatian Puppies@The Arcade gacha