[CX] Fighter's Mark - Black ( Signature )@TMD(June 5th~)
anhelo x elua M35 with hair @TMD(June 5th~)
BlankLine HenleyNeckLine shirts [Gray]-Gianni@TMD(June 5th~)
BlankLine Ripped pants [White]-GianniTMD(June 5th~)
1.::GB::Lip piercing (Catwa Daniel) (Cross chain) RARE@Shiny Shabby
Astralia - Anarchy Rings (Belleza male)@ULTRA
DRD - Wasteland Backpack - HIS - WhiteDecor
ANHELO-M30SR-174GA :: sidecar motorcycle
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - milk motel - RARE@The Arcade
(Milk Motion) road to nowhere - office
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - Desert land - RARE
-Garden- by anc "wild garden"lawn {old orange} 1prim
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